Launching the Waterproof PE PP Tarpaulin Sheet - the solution that is perfect protect your back yard through the weather. Produced from durable and top-quality woven polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), this tarpaulin sheet is built to final.
This tarpaulin sheet is good for a myriad of outside usage whether you'll need it for the yard patio, yard or even to protect your vehicle or motorboat. Its waterproof and UV resistant design means that it may withstand harsh climate, including hefty rains, strong winds, and sunshine that is intense. It comes down in a true number of sizes, to assist you select fit that is perfect your requirements.
The SHUANGPENG tarpaulin sheet is easy to put in, as a result of its strengthened grommets that provide a hold that is protected tearing this is certainly counter. It is possible to hang it up bungee this is certainly utilizing, ropes and often zip ties even. Plus, its design that is lightweight makes simple to move and keep whenever not getting used.
One of the better options that come with the SHUANGPENG tarpaulin sheet is its flexibility. You need to use it in a lot of alternative methods, such as for example temporarily addressing your furniture throughout a renovation, making a area this is certainly shaded outside occasions, or becoming a groundsheet for camping and picnics.
the SHUANGPENG Waterproof PE PP Tarpaulin Sheet is definitely an investment that is very good whoever really wants to protect their yard through the current weather. This will be a durable, versatile, and easy-to-use item which comes from the trusted and brand name that is dependable. Therefore, why wait? Get your hands on this great tarpaulin sheet today and luxuriate when you look at the benefits of a covered area that is outside.
መጠን / ቀለም / ስፋት / ርዝመት |
ብጁ |
ዋስ |
1 ዓመት |
የእድሜ ዘመን |
3 + ዓመታት |
ማተም |
ይገኛል |
ምልክት |
ሹአንግፔንግ |
አገልግሎት |
7 * 24-ሰዓት ምላሽ |
ኦሪጂናል ዕቃ አምራች እና ኦዲኤም |
ድጋፍ |
ቴክኖሎጂ |
LDPE የተጠናከረ (ድርብ እና ወፍራም) ማጣበቂያ የተሸፈነ/የተለጠፈ |
አገልግሎታችንን ለመድግፍ |
1. የተቋቋመው በዓመቱ ውስጥ ነው 1999፣ ጋር 25 + ዓመታት የፋብሪካ የማምረት ልምድ; 2. ፋብሪካ ተወዳዳሪ ዋጋ; 3. ጥብቅ የጥራት ደረጃ የፍተሻ ስርዓት እና ሁለንተናዊ የጥራት ቁጥጥር ስርዓት; 4. የእኛ ምርት የአቅም እና የውጤት ዋጋ በኢንዱስትሪው ግንባር ውስጥ ነበሩ ። |
ማከም |
UV ታክሟል/ብጁ |
ቦታ |
ጭነትን ከፀሀይ እና አንድራይን በውሃ ውሀርፍ/በባህር ወደብ/አየር ማረፊያ ይጠብቁ |
ወደ ውጪ መላክ ልምድ |
ደቡብ ምስራቅ እስያ / አሜሪካ / ካናዳ / ጀርመን / ሜክሲኮ / አውስትራሊያ / ኒውዚላንድ / እንግሊዝ |
ዋና መለያ ጸባያት |
ውሃ የማይበላሽ/የንፋስ መከላከያ/የእሳት መከላከያ/የፀረ-UV/ፀረ-እንባ/ከባድ ብረት ነፃ/ፀረ-ሻጋታ/ተለዋዋጭ/ፈጣን-ደረቅ/መጠንጠን/ፀረ-ቀዝቃዛ/ምንም ሽታ/የሚሰበሰብ/አቧራ መቋቋም የሚችል/መርዛማ ያልሆነ/የተሸፈነ/ራስን ማፅዳት |
ጥቅም |
ከቤት ውጭ (ግብርና እና የአትክልት ስፍራ ግሪን ሃውስ/ኢንዱስትሪ/ብረታ ብረት/ማስታወቂያ ማተሚያ/ፖስታ ቦርሳ/ስጦታ ማሸግ/ዓሳ እና ሽሪምፕ እና መዋኛ ገንዳ እና ኩሬ/ጂኦቴክስታይል/ ፀረ ሳር ጨርቅ/እንጨት ማሸግ) |
ማድረግ |
በገመድ የተጠናከረ (ድርብ እና ወፍራም) ማዕዘኖች በሶስት ማዕዘን የፕላስቲክ ሉሆች/በሙቀት የታሸጉ ጠርዞች ጫፉ /እያንዳንዱ የአሉሚኒየም አይነቴ ክፍተት ሶስት ጫማ ወይም አንድ ሜትር |
መተግበሪያ |
የጭነት መኪና (መኪና / ጀልባ / ጣሪያ) ሽፋን / የጎን መጋረጃ / አጥር / የሕክምና ሕክምና / ግንባታ / ድንኳን / አርክቴክቸር ሜምብራን / የስፖርት ምርቶች / ተጣጣፊ ጨርቅ / ጥቅል / ቦርሳ / ጊዜያዊ መጠለያ / ካምፕ / ጃንጥላ / ብዙ አጠቃቀም ወዘተ. |
ናሙና |
ነፃ ናሙና(ለማግኘት በማንኛውም ጊዜ ያግኙን) |
ከፕላስቲክ የተሰሩ ጨርቆች አጠቃላይ ኢንተርፕራይዞች ፕሮፌሽናል ማምረት