The usage of tarpaulin: 1.can be used by car, train, ship freight cloth. 2.can be used as a station, wharf, seaport and airport open-air warehouse for stacking cover. 3. can build temporary granaries and various crops as open cove...
SAZNAJTE VIŠE >>Polyethylene (PE) tarpaulins have a wide range of applications in agriculture, where they are a convenient tool for protecting crops, equipment and infrastructure. PE tarpaulins have many use cases in agriculture: Crop protection: Farmers use PE...
SAZNAJTE VIŠE >>Nepropusna tkanina za akvakulturu poznata je i kao geomembrana za kultivaciju, koristi se od polietilenske primarne smole (polietilen visoke gustoće kao glavna komponenta) s određenim udjelom masterbatch čađe, anti-agin...
SAZNAJTE VIŠE >>Profesionalna proizvodnja plastičnih tkanina sveobuhvatna poduzeća