The SHUANGPENG’s heavy duty PE/PP Tarpaulin Fabric is a top-notch answer this for a selection of outside applications, including camping, farming, and patio security. This tarpaulin comes with a waterproof and UV resistant design, ensuring its durability that makes it a fantastic choice for harsh climate conditions.
The SHUANGPENG’s Heavy Duty Tarpaulin Fabric comprises of cross-laminated product that makes it a multilayered, ensuring it is resistant to put up and tear. This cross-lamination additionally provides extra energy and durability to the tarpaulin, making sure it could withstand experience of harsh ecological conditions.
The tarpaulin material consists of a combination of Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP), which makes this product simple and lightweight to make. The textile is robust, making it appropriate for demanding outdoor environments where hefty usage that and harsh weather are anticipated.
The heavy-duty tarpaulin is ideal for used in the yard, where it can be utilized to cover beds, outdoor furniture, and gear, protecting them from climate harm. Likewise, it is well-suited for camping and outside tasks, supplying a waterproof and protective layer for tents, camping gear, along with other outside equipment.
The SHUANGPENG’s Heavy Duty Tarpaulin Fabric includes strengthened eyelets on its sides, which makes it easy to fix or put on an assortment of structures. The eyelets are spaced evenly for additional convenience and provide a safe anchor to the tarpaulin
Furthermore, this Tarpaulin Fabric comes in various sizes, providing clients freedom and option. The number of sizes additionally helps it be much easier to find a tarpaulin that fits different applications, from little yard equipment covers to larger campsite tents.
The SHUANGPENG’s heavy duty PE/PP Tarpaulin Fabric is a durable and versatile solution for your outside applications. It offers durable security from climate harm, strong UV rays, and harsh ecological publicity for various equipment, furniture, and structures. This tarpaulin is not hard to repair and install, no matter the application is, having its strengthened eyelets and numerous sizes. Overall, it is a dependable and economical choice for anybody seeking to protect outside equipment and structures from ecological harm
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Зашто изабрати нас |
1. Основана године 1999, Са КСНУМКС + Године Искуства у фабричкој производњи; 2. Фабрика конкурентна цена; 3. Строги Стандард квалитета Систем инспекције и свестрани Систем за праћење квалитета; 4. Наша производња Капацитет и излазна вредност Били сте на челу индустрије |
Лечење |
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Место |
Заштитите терет од сунца и кише у пристаништу/морској луци/аеродрому |
Екпорт Екпериенце |
Југоисточна Азија/Америка/Канада/Немачка/Мексико/Аустралија/Нови Зеланд/Енглеска |
Карактеристике |
Водоотпоран / отпоран на ветар / отпоран на ватру / против УВ / против кидања / без тешких метала / против плесни / флексибилан / брзо се суши / затегнут / против смрзавања / без мириса / склопив / отпоран на прашину / није токсичан / изолован / самочишћен |
употреба |
На отвореном: Пољопривреда и башта Стакленик/Индустрија/Металургија/Штампање реклама/Курирска торба/Паковање поклона/Рибе и шкампи и базен и рибњак/Геотекстил/Текстил против траве/Дрвено паковање |
Прављење |
Углови ојачани ужетом (двоструко и подебљани) са троугластим пластичним листовима/термо запечаћеним ивицама Поруб /Сваки интервал алуминијумских ушица три стопе или један метар |
апликација |
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Професионална производња пластичних тканина свеобухватна предузећа